Jargon Explained
360° Marketing Campaign A joined up, holistic, integrated marketing strategy that focuses on creating a consistent message throughout all your marketing elements and platforms.
Brand In the context of self-promotion, brand refers to the professional image you put to the public; it’s how people see you and how you want to be perceived.
Brief (Casting Brief) This is a description of the what is required for a particular role being cast. For example, a self-tape casting will often include a brief outling the character, where to read from and to in the scene and other relevant details.
Non-organic growth In the context of social media, it's growth in the number of followers or engagements that happens using mostly paid methods such as adverts or buying follower lists.
Organic growth In the context of social media, it's growth in the number of followers or engagements that happens using unpaid methods such as word of mouth or sharing posts.
Self-tape When you film yourself performing a scene or monologue that you send it to a director or casting director. This is commonplace for TV and film casting; less so for theatre.
Sides Refers to the pages or extracts from a script an actor is given to learn for an audition.
Each week we’ll be adding explanations of words and phrases you might come across when working in the theatre. It includes those that appear in our guidance pages for creatives. It’s not intended as a comprehensive list of theatre terminology; rather it pulls out some of the more obscure jargon.
Ardent Resources is a collection of workshop notes, interviews, guidance and tips about working in Theatre. It is not intended as comprehensive advice or formal educational resource on which reliance should be placed; rather it collates various insights from people working in the industry that you can choose to incorporate into your own toolkit. Nothing should be taken as a representation or warranty as the correctness or fitness for purpose of any of the content.
Any links shared are for information only and are not endorsed by, connected to or representative of Ardent Theatre Company. We can’t guarantee that any of the advice given will lead to future opportunities in the arts; but we do hope it provides resources to help build your own career strategy.