Activism in the 80s
Inspired by Ardent Theatre Company’s acclaimed production of STRIKE! by Tracy Ryan in 2023, Activism in the 80s is an educational online resource that explores the many themes of the play - Apartheid in South Africa, the British Anti-Apartheid Movement, the Dunnes Stores anti-apartheid strike that took place in Dublin 1984-87 and inspired the play, the struggles faced by trade unions, theatre activism and the development of the play itself.
The resource consists of commissioned articles, timelines, podcasts, oral history interviews, blogs, photos and links to other resources. Some of the content and images on this site maybe be distressing.
The resource includes BSL Translation and audio.
This project has been made possible thanks to National Lottery Players via a National Lottery Heritage Fund grant.
Photo rollingnews.ie
Some of the content and images on this site may be distressing.
This online education resource – Activism in the 80s - is free for you to use and reuse under the terms below. With materials marked with the CC BY 4.0 licence, you are free to:
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This online education resource – Activism in the 80s - is protected by copyright and has been openly licensed for any reuse purpose, as long as these terms are followed.
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Dedicated to the Dunnes Stores strikers Alma Russell, Cathryn O'Reilly, Karen Gearon, Liz Deasy, Mary Manning, Michelle Gavin, Sandra Griffin, Theresa Mooney, Tommy Davis, Vonnie Munroe, and to Brendan Archbold and Nimrod Sejake.
This project has been made possible thanks to National Lottery Players via a National Lottery Heritage Fund grant.
Thanks to:
National Lottery Heritage Fund, Christabel Gurney, Catherine Whittaker, AAM Archive, Anti-Apartheid Legacy, ACTSA, Tracy Ryan, Zita Holbourne, Jason Caffrey at Creative Kin, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Derek Speirs, UEL, City University, Dr. Shelley Troupe, Theatre Deli Broadgate.
Articles written by:
Ayah Khan
Khadijat Opemipo Akande
Charice Wright
Lois Ulasi
Tracy Ryan
Amber Lowen
Orla Maí Noonan
Anna Murray interviewed by Ayah Khan
Margaret Ling interviewed by Tiffany Lai
David Kenvyn interviewed by Lois Ulasi
Chitra Karve interviewed by Tara Anson-Walsh
Monica Clarke interviewed by Khadijat Opemipo Akande
Zita Holbourne interviewed by Orla Noonan
Frances Rifkin interviewed by Rachel Flannagan
Produced by Creative Kin
Podcast Contributors:
Thapelo Moloantoa
Dr Wayne Dooling
Zita Holbourne
Christabel Gurney
Nadia Joseph
Lela Kogbara
Mary Manning
Vonnie Monroe
Andrew Muir
Dr. Susan Croft
Gill Lloyd MBE
Sue Dunderdale
Len McCluskey
Lord John Hendy KC
Yvette Williams
Tracy Ryan
Kirsty Patrick Ward
BSL Translation:
Deepa Shastri – Project Manager
Bim Ajadi – Film and Edit
Alexandra Shaw – BSL Monitor and BSL Translation
Ahmed Mudawi - BSL Translation
Gavin Lilley - BSL Translation
Jane O’Brien - BSL Translation
Moona Mohammed - BSL Translation
Audio Actors:
India Pignatiello
Chloe Brown
Danielle Laurence
Thoma O’Neill
Caoimhe Mackin
Eddie Drummond
Jake Rayner Blair
Callum Diaz
Annabel Worsfold
Workshop Leaders:
Rib Davis
Eddie Stephens
Gavin Esler
Tracy Ryan
Zita Holbourne
Education Pack written by:
Tracy Ryan
Zita Holbourne
Project Freelancers:
Catherine Whittaker - Project Consultant
Christabel Gurney - Project Consultant
Georgia Whitney - Web Programmer
Laura Owen - Evaluation Support Consultant
AAM Archive, Bodleian Library
Anti-Apartheid Legacy
Arts Admin
Ayah Khan
Cameron Brisbane/AAM Archives Committee
Derek Speirs
Gillian Slovo
Half Moon Theatre
International Institute of Social History
John Harris/reportdigital.co.uk
Mark Douet
Eamonn Farrell/rollingnews.ie
Rose Comiskey
South African History Online
The Playground Theatre
Unfinished Histories
The Women’s Playhouse Trust
Miriam Tlali Image by Adrian Steirn, courtesy of 21 ICONS.
Alamy Stock Photos:
Album / Archivo ABC
Allstar Picture Library Ltd
AP Photo/Charles Kelly
Associated Press
Trinity Mirror / Mirrorpix
CSU Archives
Donald Cooper
Everett Collection Historical
Keith Mayhew
Homer Sykes
Jeff Morgan 04
Shahidul Alam
David Pickoff
United Archives / Sven Simon
GRANGER - Historical Picture Archive
World History Archive
Pictorial Press
Sue Kramer
PA Images
ZUMA Press, Inc.